
Colossal Robot is the embodiment of independent games, the focused and determined try to make an imagination into reality. I want to show the world I’ve been dreaming of for years now to fans of video games.

We the People…

tumblr_n4e0j6iBHs1sdyj9lo1_1280With 6 years of app development experience and desire to strike out on my own ability to make the games that I have wanted to play forever. The technology is here and the drive is present. There is hunger to make these games. The studio is always looking for new game-play designs to challenge and motivate players to explore the worlds we create for them to play. Thank you for being a fan, thank you for being a student and most of all thank you for letting us be unique.

Nick Hazrd
CEO, Colossal Robot Studios

Think Colossal, Dream Colossal.